CSS codes for Dynamic View's blogger

Change blog title color and size

#header.header .title a h1{
color: blue;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black;
font-size: 56px;

Change the values above accordingly.
Color - controls the main color of your blog title
Text-shadow - Controls the outline of your blog title. By default it is set to white. Feel free to play with the values.
Font-size - Controls your blog title's font size. By default it is set to 28px.

You can get a personalized color by replacing the text 'blue' or 'black' with a hex code, like '#0033CC'.

How can I space out the pages tab? Theres too much much space after the last title

.header-drawer #pages.tabs ul li{
display: block;
margin-right: 80px;
float: left;

Adjust the value '80' accordingly.

You can use the post editor to change the font size for some of the views.

And use the following CSS to apply a uniform standard across all view:
div.summary, div.article-content, div.item p.summary{
font-size: 20px !important;

Thanks for letting me know. Here's another question. How can it change the background color on the front content magazine page only...and not affect any other views or pages. I tryed ("#items li, .overview-inner, #content, .item.hentry.selected, .item.hentry.open, .item.ybyss, #feature, .overview-inner, .column .item, .viewitem-content {
background: #FF8809 !important;
background: transparent !important;
} ")
but it changes the other main pages also. Thanks again for your help. :)


YoboYNovember 25, 2011 at 6:16 AM
@Marky: Add this to your css:

#content #lead, #content #feature, #content #fold{
background: #FF8809 !important;

Bob The Water CatMarch 8, 2012 at 9:42 PM
Ok, I used your CSS

div.summary, div.article-content, div.item p.summary{
font-size: 20px !important;

To get bigger Post text. PERFECT !! But now the Post Title looks too small. What Css can I add to control The Post Title size?

Thanks. By the way. You are awesome.


Yogaratnam N.March 9, 2012 at 4:10 AM
Hi there mate,

Add this to your CSS:

.article-header h1.title{
font-size: 24px !important;

I'm just wondering, is it possible to change the post title size of it, before it expands into full view? Like for example when you've just entered the blog and all you get is a preview of the actual post. Cos all I've managed to do it change the size of the post title when it's already expanded.

font-size: 18px !important;

Hi Yoboy! Just wondering if there is a way to change the 'link font' to a custom font? I am using this: font-family: "Avant Garde", "Century Gothic", sans-serif; (seems to work as long as you have those fonts installed on your pc.) I would like to change the link font on the page only not the gadget or header bar.?
Thanks for all your help!

Hi Marky,

Edit your HTML, and add the following directly above :

Next, add this to your CSS:

#main a{
font-family: 'Questrial', sans-serif !


Source ➡ http://www.southernspeakers.net
